Episode 208 | Carson Demers & the Ergonomics of Fiber Craft

In this episode, we chat with Carson Demers about his work in Ergonomics. He is a physical therapist who added a second career teaching knitters and spinners about the ergonomics of their craft.

Interview Notes:

You can follow me in all my making at Miriam Felton Knit Designs on Facebook, and on Twitter or Instagram at mimknits. You can check out the patreon at patreon.com/miriamfelton I’m live-streaming from my studio at Twitch.tv/MimIsMaking on Mon, Thu, Fri : 1 – 2:30 pm Mountain Time. Use this time converter to find what time that is for you. You can follow the podcast on social media via Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you’re enjoying this podcast please consider sharing it with a friend, posting about it on social media, or leaving a rating or review in iTunesStitcherGoogle PlayFacebook, or wherever. You can also join the Friends of YarnStories Ravelry group if that’s more your thing. And thank you so much for listening! This podcast was produced in Salt Lake City UT, with production help from Sid Fallon. Music is by the ever illusive Breakmaster Cylinder.

Thank you so much for listening! See you again in 2 weeks when I talk to Anastasia Williams of Garden Wool & Dye about Natural Dyeing.